Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.56
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The total number of plays has reached 100,000 plays! みなさん、いつも聞いてくれてありがとうございます。
再生:to play
回数:number of times
突破する:to breakthrough, to exceed
Thank you for your request, and also thank you for your support on my Patreon.
You can find the Japanese and English scripts on my website.
よく日本人は「礼儀正しい(well-mannered, polite)」とか、「時間を守る」とか「優しい」とかね、よく良いことを言ってもらうことが多いんですけどね。
失礼なこと:something rude
他の国:other country
〜を踏まえて:based on…
まず一つ目、「鼻をすする!」これは私のヨーロッパでの経験なんですけど、日本人はよく鼻をすすりますね。「鼻をすする」to sniff は、「鼻をかむ」to blow one’s noseの反対の言葉です。
チェコに住み始めてから、鼻をすすっていたらチェコ人の友達に「ちょっと汚いから、ちゃんと鼻をかんでね」と言われてびっくりしました。私はそれまで、あまり鼻をかんだことがなかったからです。I hadn’t really have blew my nose until then.
そして二つ目、くしゃみをした後に「bless you」と言わない!
くしゃみをする:to sneeze
まぁ時々「大丈夫?」とか言いますけど、基本的には無視しますね。無視する:to ignore
「聞く」というのは ask という意味ですが、「聞いてくる」といったら、「しつこく質問する」という意味です。To ask something very persistently, to plague somebody with questions
Japanese people sometimes ask you some personal questions, sometimes with no respect..
日本人はたまに、しつこく(persistently)何も気にしないで(without respect)プライベートな質問をたくさんしてくることがあります。
これは、実は外国人に限りません。Actually it’s not only for foreigners.
気をつける:to be careful
仲良くなる:to get along with
April 20, 2021 (Tuesday) Today’s weather is sunny. Good weather with no clouds! The temperature is 26 degrees Celsius! It’s a little hot. When I checked my podcast yesterday, the total number of views exceeded 100,000! The total number of plays has reached 100,000 plays! Thank you everyone for always listening. Play: to play Number of times: number of times Total: total Break through: to breakthrough, to exceed
If you would like to request a topic on Asa Radio, please use Instagram. Thank you for Patreon’s support. There are Japanese and English scripts on my homepage, so please check them out. Thank you for your request, and also thank you for your support on my Patreon. You can find the Japanese and English scripts on my website.
Today’s topic is “Rude Japanese ?!”. I received an interesting topic today as well.
Japanese people often say good things like “well-mannered, polite”, “keep time” or “gentle”. Of course, not everyone, and it’s common for Japanese people to do rude things in other countries. Excuse me: something rude Other country: other country
Today, I would like to talk about the rude behavior of Japanese people based on my experience in Europe and the opinions of my friends. Experience: experience Opinion: opinion Based on: based on… Behavior: behavior
First of all, “Sniff!” This is my experience in Europe, but Japanese people often snort. “Blow your nose” to sniff is the opposite of “blow your nose” to blow one ’s nose. That was the case before I went to Europe. Since I started living in the Czech Republic, when I was snorting, my Czech friend told me, “It’s a little dirty, so please blow your nose properly.” I hadn’t blown my nose so much before. I had n’t really have blew my nose until then.
How is it in your country? Do you think “sniffing” is rude? By the way, it seems that it is not so rude in the United States.
And second, don’t say “bless you” after sneezing! Sneeze: to sneeze This was my American friend saying, “Japanese people don’t say anything when someone sneezes. It’s a bit rude in America.”
Certainly, in Japan you don’t say anything after sneezing. Well, sometimes I say “Is it okay?”, But basically I ignore it. Ignore: to ignore
What about your country?
And third, I hear a lot of private things! “Ask” means ask, but when you say “ask”, it means “ask a persistent question.” To ask something very persistently, to plague somebody with questions Japanese people sometimes ask you some personal questions, sometimes with no respect .. Occasionally, Japanese people ask a lot of private questions persistently and without respect.
For example, when a foreigner is drinking alcohol at a Japanese bar, the Japanese who met for the first time asked the foreigner, “Where did you come from?” “Can you speak Japanese?” “Do you have a girlfriend / boyfriend?” Are you married? “” Why did you come to Japan? “” What visa? “” Will you return to the country someday? “” Do you have children? ”
You don’t hear such a private thing in a job interview. Lol This is not limited to foreigners. Actually it ’s not only for foreigners. I am often asked about it at drinking parties. “Do you like someone?” “Where does your boyfriend live?” “Are you planning to get married?” “Do you want children?”
This is what Japanese people should be careful about. I’ve become quite careful too. Some people really don’t want to talk about it, so it’s best not to talk about it until you get to know each other. Be careful: to be careful Get along: to get along with
Yes, how was everyone? What would you do to be rude in your country? I hope you have a good day today!