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あさラジオ Ep.32「国際女性デー(こくさいじょせいデー)」

Momoko To Nihongo あさラジオ Ep.32

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ちらほら = ここ、そこ、あそこ (here and there) = 色々な場所で少しずつ、という意味です








国際 = international  女性 = woman  デー = day




今から約100年前、1908年。アメリカのニューヨークで、女性のデモがきっかけとなって、女性の権利を平等にしようという運動が広まりました。デモ = demonstration きっかけ:trigger 権利 : right 平等:equal 運動 = movement.

この運動が始まった当初、1908年のアメリカでは、まだ女性が政治に関わることができませんでした。政治:government 関わる:to be (get) involved



それから国際連合(United Nations)が、正式に(officially)3月8日を「国際女性デー」と決めて、さらに「UN Woman」という団体も作りました。



ワールドエコノミックフォーラム(WEF)の「2020年ジェンダーギャップ指数(= index number)」のレポートによると、一番ジェンダーギャップが少ないのは、上からアイルランド、ノルウェー、そしてフィンランド、スウェーデンなど、北ヨーロッパ(北欧)の国々がランクインしています。


ルワンダ、ドイツ、フランス、南アフリカ、カナダ・・・・ あれ?日本はどこでしょうか。


たしかに、日本の女性は、基本的に給料(salary)が男性より低いです。Basically, salary of women is lower than the one of men.

それから、日本では、女性が子供を産んだらキャリアアップが難しくなります。It will be more difficult to advance your career.

さらに、日本の政治家はほとんど男性で、女性が政治のトップになるのはとても珍しいことです。Most of our politicians are men, and it is still very difficult for women to be at the top of politics.


最後に、私の男女平等についての意見をシェアしますね。男女平等 = gender equality, 意見 = opinion


実現する:to bring it to realization

なぜなら、私たちの体は全然違うからです。男性は子供を産めないし、生理もありません。(生理 = period)女性は男性より力が弱いし、ホルモンバランスをコントロールすることも難しいです。



だから、これからは、女性だけが子供を育てるのではなく、社会が子供を育てるべきだと思います。(社会:society, 育てる:to raise)








Monday, March 8, 2021 Today’s weather is fine. It is warm in the morning and noon, and the temperature is 13 degrees Celsius. It makes me happy when I see the blue sky. The wind is still a little cold, but the cherry blossoms are starting to bloom here and there. Here and there = means little by little in various places

The time I woke up today is 7:30. I drank too much alcohol last night and my voice was a little strange in the morning. Lol

Thank you for requesting the Asa Radio topic. Patreon members are always welcome to ask Patreon’s message if they have any questions about Japan or Japanese. Thank you for your support. Say hello in the future.


By the way, today’s topic is “International Women’s Day”. Today, March 8th is “International Women’s Day”. What day do you guys know about this? International = international woman = woman day = day Do you celebrate this International Women’s Day in your country?


First of all, let’s talk briefly about the history of International Women’s Day. About 100 years ago, 1908. In New York, USA, women’s demonstrations have led to a widespread movement to equalize women’s rights. Demonstration = demonstration Trigger: trigger Right: right Equality: equal Movement = movement. When the movement began, women were still unable to engage in politics in the United States in 1908. Politics: government involved: to be (get) involved And, of course, there was a big gap between men and women in both education and company salary.

This demonstration triggered a movement to equalize women’s rights in European countries such as Germany, Ireland, Denmark, Italy and France. Then the United Nations officially decided March 8th as “International Women’s Day” and also created an organization called “UN Woman”.


What about Japanese society? Do women have equal rights in Japan? According to the report of the “2020 Gender Gap Index (= index number)” of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Northern Europe (Northern Europe) with the smallest gender gap is Ireland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, etc. from the top. Countries are ranked in. Next, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain … Well, there is no Japan. Rwanda, Germany, France, South Africa, Canada … that? Where is Japan?

Japan is 121st from the top. From this data, we can see that there is still a large difference in gender gap in Japan.

Certainly, Japanese women basically have lower salaries than men. Basically, salary of women is lower than the one of men. Also, in Japan, if a woman gives birth to a child, it will be difficult for her to advance her career. It will be more difficult to advance your career. Moreover, most Japanese politicians are men, and it is very rare for women to be at the top of politics. Most of our politicians are men, and it is still very difficult for women to be at the top of politics.


Finally, I would like to share my opinion on gender equality. Gender equality = gender equality, opinion = opinion

I think it’s basically very difficult to achieve gender equality. Realize: to bring it to realization Because our bodies are completely different. Men cannot give birth and have no period. (Physiology = period) Women are weaker than men and it is difficult to control hormonal balance.

Nevertheless, in order to achieve gender equality, I think it is necessary for men and women to support each other and change society. For example, in Japan today, there is no system in which society supports children, so women must always take time off from work and raise their children by themselves. Therefore, from now on, I think that society should raise children, not just women. (Society: society, raise: to raise) To that end, I think it is better for men as well as women to participate in the feminist movement together. I think that the true “equal relationship” is that if a woman is in trouble, a man will support her, and if a man is in trouble, a woman will support her.

Well, I talked a little seriously today. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you for listening today! Let’s do our best this week as well!

See you.





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